Thursday 24 October 2013

Darwin liked to ask lots of questions about the plants and animals he found. What questions can you think of about plants and animals? Darwin would ask an expert, read a book or ask a friend to find out the answer to his questions. How could you find out the answer to your question?


  1. Maybe we could research on our questions

  2. I looked in a book that there are 375,000 different types of plants!.

  3. What and how many plants are there?

  4. You could ask a vet about animals or if you have a pet you might know something about animals. I have a cat and Cat's have a tray called Litter Tray and when they want to do a toilet they always to it privately because they don't want people to see. You could ask a gardener about plants.I know that there is 375,000 different Plants.

  5. Well done Abeer you have been doing some good thinking and research. Books are a fantastic resource as are experts such as vets. What else do you know about cats? What family are cats in. What other animals are their closest relations in the wild?

    1. I think it's called a Feline. And there are 27 species cat's .Mostly cats are spotted, Striped,Puma.
